Delivery Conditions Add-On

Delivery Conditions Add-On

Schedule future mails for specific dates, after a period of time or for recurring dates after the emergency.

Sometimes, it’s not enough to send future messages right after the EmergencyWP process finished (e.g. death or other incidents). Delivery Conditions enables you to send mails on specific dates or holds messages back for a specific period of time.


After activating the plugin, you will see a change in the messages overview, where a new column will display the delivery condition:

Setup a future mail schedule and even prepare a whole afterlife story!

Available options

With this add-on, you will get three new delivery options:

  1. Delayed delivery
  2. Fixed date delivery
  3. Recurring delivery on a specific day of year

Your messages and information will only be sent if EmergencyWP noticed an emergency during the life check. If you would have scheduled messages for a specific date, but you didn’t had an emergency so far, you will get a notification instead to be able to reschedule or delete the message.

Select, how long EmergencyWP should hold back the message

The delayed option comes handy if you don’t want the recipient to immediately get a message after the emergency was noticed by EmergencyWP.

It also serves as a ‘safety net’ to your life check confirmation.

You can schedule a message days, weeks, months or even years after your life check process finished.

Exactly schedule the date of the delivery

If you want your message to be sent on a specific date in the future, select the date with the ‘Fixed date’ option.

Planning for having a message ready on your child’s 25th birthday if you won’t be able to be around in person? There you go.

Setup a yearly recurring message with this option

There can be times when you want to have recurring messages, for example to remind someone of an anniversary or similar.

Use this option to have a recurring yearly message.

More questions? feel free to contact support or get the add-on today!

Excluding 19% tax

Delivery Conditions Add-On

Schedule future mails for specific dates, after a period of time or for recurring dates after the emergency.
Excluding 19% tax
Renews at 25% discount yearly

Renewals are optional! All purchase options are billed yearly with a discount option. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Extensions subject to yearly license for support and updates. View terms.

Latest version: 1.1.4

*** 08.12.2021, v.1.1.4 ***

– Fixes compatibility with WordPress free plugin

*** 03.02.2020, v.1.1.2 ***

– Add multisite compatibility

– Minor css fixes

*** 16.01.2020, v.1.1.1 ***

– Fix licences verification

*** 13.01.2020, v.1.1.0 ***

– Change folders names according to wordpress naming standard

*** 28.10.2019, v.1.0.5 ***

– Public release

*** 11.11.2019, v.1.0.6 ***

– Fix broken links caused by WordPress permalink setting

*** 12.11.2019, v.1.0.7 ***

  Licence Page: Show expiration date for licenses